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Apartment 3B poster 2.jpg

Hello friends and neighbors!


Welcome to Apartment 3B - a DIY Digital Pocket Musical written and composed by Sierra Blanco (that's me!) and arranged by Matt Russell.


With the pandemic pause, I suspect that every performer is eager to explore a nice juicy role again.


Apartment 3B is intended to be performed by a self-selecting gang of rotating performers and posted in installments, as it evolves, to IGTV. The first installment consists of 5 monologues and 5 short songs.


YOU can SELECT the part you like (or select them all!)

LEARN the monologue and accompanying song,

DEVELOP your most satisfying performance of it,

FILM the monologue and song,

SEND it in to me via WeTransfer.



I’ll select and assemble casts of 5 to post as an evolving work on our IGTV channel and Apartment 3B site. Voila! You get to perform!

To get started, as well as learn a bit more about how to submit a video, simply click on the button next to the image of the keys!

Or, check out the latest "tenants" of Apartment 3B in the video gallery below!

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Performances by:

Lover A -- Cait Cortelyou, @caitcortelyou

Lover B -- Erich Schuett, @erich.schuett

Psychic -- Lyndsey Cole, @lyndseywithawhy_not

Priest -- Will Weigler, @willweigler

Landlord -- Daniel Neiden, @bozofishpix

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